Garlic Milk-A Magical Remedy To Relieve You From Sciatica Pain

Garlic is the most powerful medicine that nature has given us. Even from ancient times it has been well known for its antiseptic, antibacterial and antiviral properties.

It has those amazing health benefits all thanks to the powerful compound allicin in its content. Yet another benefit of garlic is the fact that it has so few calories while at the same time being highly nutritious.

One ounce of serving garlic contains about 23% of manganese, 17% of vitamin B6, 15% of vitamin C, 6% of selenium, 1 gram of fiber, and also decent amounts of copper, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamin B1.

These amazing vitamins and minerals in its content fight the following diseases: fight sickness, reduce high blood pressure, improve cholesterol levels, lower the risk of heart disease, and prevent Alzheimer disease and dementia, fight osteoporosis while increasing estrogen levels. By preventing these diseases, it nourishes your body with the essential nutrients and helps you live longer.

Garlic Milk

Anything that has garlic in its content is a natural remedy which is helpful against any disease or health issue that you might be experiencing. The garlic milk for which we offer you the recipe is something which is very effective against worms and prepare an enema, but also to treat sciatica. If you are planning to use if for a longer period of time, this remedy will get you rid of sweating legs.

The recipe has been practiced by a mechanic, who suffered from sciatica for a long time and his artificial remedies just wouldn’t help him. Therefore, he prepared himself the garlic milk and truly experienced some magical benefits. After a few days, his pain has been relieved, while after 14 days his illness has totally disappeared.

The garlic milk can be both raw and cooked. Raw garlic milk is stronger and cooking it reduces its odor, at the same time working against sciatica pain as satisfactory as the raw one.

Here we give you the recipe of how you should prepare garlic milk:


  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 200 ml of milk

First, you should crush the garlic into a small and handy gadget made for this cause. Mix it with raw milk to get a nearly homogenous texture. You only need to drink up the mix afterwards.

However, some prefer to cook the garlic with the milk, which will make it taste less strong, but however not less effective. To achieve the purpose, you should drink about 200 ml of the garlic milk every day. Afterwards you can enjoy the benefits it offers you.

If you are struggling to find a remedy that will have long lasting effects and not have any contraindications, we warmly suggest you to try and prepare our garlic milk recipe which will have only positive effects on your sciatica pain.

It will not only be effective for it, but also it will provide a variety of benefits to your overall health. So, why not include it as a daily ritual to your diet?