5 Detox Waters to Cleanse Your Body And Lose Weight

During the summer period, all we have in mind is water, fruit, or something fresh which will give us energy, hydrate us and of course keep us healthy and slim.

It is recommended to drink 8 glasses of water a day, so if you do not want to drink plain water all the time, we have prepared some amazing recipes for you that will shake you up.

All of them have certain benefits for our bodies, contain different fruits and therefore, we encourage you to try them all.

1.      Day Spa Apple Cinnamon Deter Water

This first recipe will boost your immune system, speed up your metabolism and help you lose weight while flushing all the toxins out of your body.

 To prepare this recipe, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 thinly sliced apple
  • 1 cinnamon stick
  • A pitcher with 1 gallon of water

Put the ingredients in the gallon of water and refrigerate the detox water for some time before serving. You can also add some ice cubes in it to make it even more refreshing. If you want a stronger taste, just double the dose of the cinnamon and apple.

2.      Strawberry Infused Vitamin Water

This hydrating, anti-inflammatory and refreshing strawberry water will make you glow from the inside out, by enhancing your whole face and body complexion.

Use the following ingredient for this recipe:

  • 2 springs of fresh rosemary
  • Dash of course salt
  • 2 cups of cubed watermelon
  • Filtered water
  • 1 cup of strawberries

Follow these directions:

First, muddle the strawberries and rosemary in a bowl. Then, add the muddled ingredients including the watermelon into a large pitcher. Pour water over the ingredients and stir. Keep the mixture refrigerated for 4 to 6 hours before drinking. Enjoy!

3.      Fat Burning Detox Water

By drinking this detox water, you will burn fat easily and improve your digestion. It is so, because of the fiber in apples, the flushing and detox benefits of the apple cider vinegar and also the fact that cinnamon will curb your hunger.


  • 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of cinnamon
  • A half of a sliced apple
  • 12 oz of water
  • 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar
  • ½ teaspoon of Stevia sweetener


Put all the ingredients in a blender, except for the apples. Mix the content for about 10 minutes, until you get a homogenous mixture. Add the slices of apple into the drink. Now, drink up and eat the slices.

4.      Cucumber Lemon Detox Water

This drink will provide you with the needed amount of vitamin C and minerals for the day. The cucumber will hydrate your body, while lemons will establish the alkaline balance.

To prepare the cucumber lemon detox water, use:

  • 1 lemon, wedged or sliced
  • 10 mint leaves
  • 8 C. of water
  • 1 cucumber, wedged or sliced

Combine everything together and keep the pitcher refrigerated overnight.

  1. Simple Morning Detox Water

This is a recipe many of you have already heard of and it should be done daily in order to achieve the best results. You should just squeeze half a lemon into a glass of water and drink it right after getting up. It will help you boost your metabolism, and  it will prepare your digestive system for the day.