Is Self-Medicating Leading Us Down Harsh Roads?

Is drug abuse just a learned habit stemming from other disorders? When it comes to having problems—whether they be mental or physical—it's always been a theme in America to get a diagnosis and a pill. For examp...

Sleep gets abrasive in winter

Introduction: Our sleeping pattern changes with the turn of the season. It is true that having a good sleep depends on our behavior to a large extent, but at the same time, it is also true that external environ...

Some Famous Home Remedies for Abortion

Pregnancy is one of the happiest things that is always a dream of a married couple, only if you plan out well before bringing a new born baby into this world. There are times when a couple isn’t ready for a bab...

Advanced Skin Care

Skin care has been in line with this fast-paced world where everything is geared towards technological advancements. Many have developed painless beautification, that is not needing to undergo surgeries, and fa...

Foam Roller for Better Posture

Your posture is a very important part of how you present yourself. Your posture speaks a lot about you, your confidence, your determination and also affects how people perceive your body language. In case that ...