How to Improve Your Health and Mind with Online Resources

How many times have you went online to look for information about your health? Probably a million… and it’s often for a wide range of reasons, such as why you might be feeling sick, how to improve your posture or agility, and likely to even lose weight or how to start eating healthy.

The next important question that we have to ask is, how often did you come across useful information and in what type of format was it delivered?

As more people using their mobile devices and social media to access the internet, the most useful content and information is often in video and visual form. However, sites like WebMD and Wikipedia are still using basic text to rank higher in the search results and provide more medical related information to back up their statements and provide as much information as possible.

With all of that being said, there are plenty of ways to improve your health when looking for information online. Today we are going to highlight a few of our favorite methods on where, why, and how to find the best content and health resources online.

1 – Learn through Online Videos and Walkthroughs

Have you ever thought about why movies make so much more money than books? The main reason is because of the engagement and entertainment factor.

The truth is, more people want to see online video, infographics or any type of visual content over actually reading text content. And this is even more true with content and information in relation to health and nutrition. This is also why YouTube has a massive following and growth of content in the health and fitness space.

Not only is it much easier to find a short video online about something you are looking for, but it’s more entertaining and easier to understand and remember as well.

In a recent article from simpleshow, the parent company of, they were discussing the importance of visual vs. text content and how visuals are so much more effective in the learning process. The article went on to say:

But why is there such a hunger for images and video? Why would we rather click on a short video and avoid reading a big chunk of text? And why does this trend seem to be increasing as time moves forward? Well first off, it could be something to do with the fact that 90% of information transmitted to the brain is visual, and visuals are processed in the brain at 60,000 times the speed of text. In other words, we look at the pictures and videos regularly and we consume them more quickly than we do text.

So when it comes to trying to take better care of ourselves or learning how to do new exercises, video and visual content is key.

Imagine trying to do a set of exercises in your home by reading a book and only have text instruction to work off of? Now think about how much easier it would be with a quick video of someone actually doing the exercise and you just follow along.

The key takeaway here is to not just be smart about your health and eating habits, but also how you are learning and absorbing such information as well.

2 – Take a Look at the Top Health Blogs

Did you know that there are now more than a billion websites and blogs on the internet today? That’s pretty crazy, right! And when we say ‘billion active’, we mean there are a billion sites that are creative new content all the time — which means there is an overwhelming amount of content out there to consume.

With so much information out there, how are you supposed to know which resources are the most accurate and updates the most?

For times like these, it’s best to keep an eye on the most popular health websites and blogs online, much like the names of magazines you will see in a store, or television stations that cover such topics on TV.

To see an example of what we are talking about, just take a look at this list of nutrition blogs that are updated several times a day with new content. Some popular names on the list include DietSpotlight, The Nutrition Twins, Nutrition Blog Network and Authority Nutrition.

Many of these sites will also have social profiles and private groups that you can join and follow. Since many of the sites already have thousands of visitors daily, you will likely find that their social communities are quite active as well.

3 – Measure Your Results and Keep Learning

Like all things in life — things that get measured, tend to see better results. This applies to finances, world markets, businesses, and most definitely your health.

When it comes to measuring your results online, you have plenty of options.

Not only will you find lots of free weight loss and BMI calculators for free online, you will also see a lot of mobile apps that focus on daily health, habit tracking and exercises as well. These are great for anyone that finds themselves on the go and don’t really have a set schedule.

To learn more about each of these solutions, it’s best to read reviews online and through your preferred app store. Many of them will be free to download and use, but others might also have built-in upsell features that require the end user to pay a free to access more content or to store their results.

Either way, if you are doing any type of healthy eating of fitness, you should be tracking your progress for best results.

The Best Health Resources are Those With Real People and Stories

We could provide you with a ton of resources and tools all day, but at the end of it all, you are going to want to see real results from real people.

This is often found through tight communities and social groups that not only share their results, but also their journey over time. The more people that share your story and can relate with your struggle or progress, results in a better work ethic on your end as well.

Be sure to read through each of the actionable tips and resources above. The more time and effort you put into finding the best resources and information online, the more likely you are to find success in hitting your health and fitness goals.

We wish you the best of luck on your fitness and healthy eating journey! Now, go find an internet buddy and a reliable online tracker to get yourself going on the right path.