Chemical Found In Ayahuasca May Be Able To Completely Reverse Diabetes

Ayahuasca and diabetes

Diabetes is an autoimmune disease that prevents a person’s pancreas from producing insulin – the hormone that enables people to receive energy from their food.

This happens when the body’s immune system attacks and destroys the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas, which are called beta cells. Apparently, the cause has not been pinpointed, but scientists believe that genetic and environmental factors play a major role. Modern day mainstream science tells us that there are no 100% effective medical treatments.

Amazingly, types 1 and 2 diabetes affect over 380 million people worldwide In America alone, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that number to be approximately 20 million.! Both ultimately result from a deficiency of functional pancreatic insulin-producing beta cells, which is where this chemical called ‘ayahuasca is showing the most promising results.

New research published in the journal Nature Medicine – a study led by researchers at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, funded by JDRF and the National Institutes of Health – found this:

“Using three different mouse and human islet in vivo–based models, we show that harmine is able to induce beta cell proliferation, increase islet mass and improve glycemic control. These observations suggest that harmine analogs may have unique therapeutic promise for human diabetes therapy.”

After researchers discovered that harmine could reproduce beta cells in a culture, they then injected human islets into diabetic mice and administered harmine. This then triggered beta cell production. In turn it reversed blood glucose levels to normal. Harmine was found to triple the number of beta cells within the mice’s pancreas .

The study did a screen of more than 100,000 potential drugs, and out of all of them, harmine was the only one to drive human insulin-producing beta cells to multiply.

“Our results provide a large body of evidence demonstrating that the harmine drug class can make human beta cells proliferate at levels that may be relevant for diabetes treatment.

While we still have a lot of work to do in improving the specificity and potency of the harmine and related compounds, we believe these results represent a key step toward more effective future treatment of diabetes.” – Senior study author Andrew Stewart, MD, Director of the Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism Institute at the Icahn School of Medicine.

Beta cell regeneration is believed to be the answer to and ultimate cure for diabetes, but we still have a way to go. Apparently, the next step for researchers is to develop a drug that would only target the beta cells and leave the rest alone!

There have also been some promising developments coming out of Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI). Researchers there recently discovered how to make large quantities of insulin-producing cells. They claim that this breakthrough is just as big as the development of antibiotics, which, although successful, have not come without severe and damaging health consequences. The stem-cell-derived beta cells are currently undergoing clinical trials in animal models, and researchers there are hoping for clinical trials to begin very soon.

Test subjects who reversed their diabetes in a matter of 30 days

In the film Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days, 6 test subjects tell their stories, all of whom had very different lifestyles and conditions, but were all diabetic – five had type 2, and one had type 1. Each subject was on insulin. 

People everywhere are taking alternate routes to achieve results equal to, and sometimes better than, what is made available to them through mainstream voices like doctors and government-appointed professionals.

I feel it’s important for people to know their options and have a fair chance of trying them out. I know many people with diabetes who aren’t aware of the power of food in transforming their condition. Instead, they are taking insulin and following mainstream ideas as if they are the only truth on Earth!

I don’t claim that mainstream is only bad. It’s simply that we are missing out on other options in a big way. After all, the American Diabetes Association makes claims about there being no cures, yet the above results would suggest there is more to that story!
