This Is How Your Body Reacts To Red Bull. I Bet You’ll Never Drink One Again

Attention please: Energizing drinks have even begun to outsell detox water!

Energy drinks can make you feel vigorously in an instant, but what are the benefits and risks of this instant boost? Red Bull energy drink provides nutrients such as the amino acid taurine and some B vitamins. However, this energy drink also has some adverse effects you should be aware of before you buy it.

The obnoxious weight gain

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, more than a third of American adults are obese. As a result, they may be at risk from chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease or diabetes.

In order to lose weight or prevent weight gain, do not consume more calories than you spend. A can of Red Bull drink has 110 calories and 27grams sugar. Red Bull also contains glucose and sucrose. Sugars are simple carbohydrates that do not provide vitamins or minerals, and eating too much sugary food can make it difficult for you to get all the nutrients needed.

Other dangers of drinking Red Bull

Today, people eat bad (junk) food, do not drink enough water, and do not get enough night sleep. This is a perfect combination for chronic fatigue, grogginess and many medical conditions. To avoid the afternoon weakness, more and more people are resorting to energy drinks like Red Bull.

But did you know that Red Bull can actually increase the risk of stroke and heart attack?

After drinking Red Bull, your blood is similar to that of a person suffering from a cardiovascular disease. Producers say that drinking one of their energy drinks is the same as drinking coffee or soda, and you have the same energy you get by drinking one of these. But the difference is: neither coffee nor soda contains the ominous ingredient aspartame!

Aspartame has been shown to be neurotoxic, allergenic and carcinogenic. Pair that with other ingredients (table sugar especially) and what you have is a load of “toxic” energy.

No less than 3.5 billion cans of Red Bull were sold last year in 143 countries. Yet, questions regarding the safety of Red Bull, as well as other energy drinks, keep cropping up at regular intervals when yet another overzealous energy-addict keels over,” says Dr. Mercola.

Who is at the highest risk? If you have any of the following conditions, then do avoid drinking Red Bull:

  1. anxiety
  2. high blood pressure
  3. high stress
  4. caffeine sensitivity
  5. blood clotting disorders
  6. chronic fatigue
  7. any cardiovascular disease.

It is not advisable to drink Red Bull if you are pregnant either. Instead, try to restore your energy sapped throughout the day in a natural way. The recipe is quite simple: exercise regularly, eat good foods, increase your intake of omega-3 fats and eliminate processed sugar from your diet.

Are you done reading?
I hope you will think it over before you quaff your next 8.3 oz. Red Bull can!
